
Showing posts from August, 2006
"All happiness, all success, all glorious achievement rest with the individual. He can make a heaven or a hell upon the earth. "—Ezra Taft Benson

Sometimes You Don't Have To Ask

Sunday was a bad day. I thought I wanted to be alone, but when my friend Darla came to me at Church, I realized I needed her to talk to. She had been at her ward, but wanted to leave. She felt she shouldn't miss Church completely, so she drove to my ward (about 30 min away from her ward, but only about 15 or 20 from her home). The problems I'm having she's been through already. She fights some of the same issues I do. She was exactly the person I needed to talk with at the time. Heavenly Father knew I was in need, and I didn't have to ask for help. He sent it anyway. Recently He's answered many needs of mine, without my asking. She suggested that I give the problems to Heavenly Father to handle. I decided that I would pray for just that. That same afternoon (again without me asking), he took away that huge burden from me. The issue is still there. I still have to deal with it, but the worry is gone. Last month, while visiting the temple, I had a question to be answe...