
Showing posts from September, 2006


When I get too much in my head, I start to doubt things. Because it's easy, my recent doubts have been about the Church. I was asked to give my testimony in Relief Society, but I couldn't. I allow the things around me to cast doubt on something that I KNOW is true. It's a struggle because I don't allow myself to get as involved as I should. Brooke has a mack-daddy foothold in the Gospel, but she puts the effort in to maintain that. I don't. I've allowed work, school, bills, stress to rule my life. That leaves no room for the Church. I'm trying to overcome that. I'm trying to read the Scriptures every day. Maybe one day I'll start attending YSA events and Institute. I try to remember all the MANY blessings I've received since joining the Church. It is those blessings and the knowledge that I know the Church is true (despite what my mind may think) that keep me going. I can't come close to naming everything I have to be grateful for. If it were...


Why is it that the guys I really, really like think I'm just a great friend????? Well, I have decided that a life of being single can't be all that bad. Pros: ~Full access to the WHOLE bed. No sharing covers. It's all mine. ~All my stuff belongs to me. I don't have to worry about tearing up someone else's stuff. (I'm great at breaking stuff!) ~A whole closet to myself. Self-explanatory. K. That's all the pros I can come up with. I was reminded the other day by a well-meaning friend that Sheri Dew is still single. That's great, but I'm no Sheri Dew. I hope to one day be somewhat close to her level, but I'm nowhere near now. Well, for now I guess I'll just get my education and hope that one day I find the him I'm looking for.