
Why is it that the guys I really, really like think I'm just a great friend?????

Well, I have decided that a life of being single can't be all that bad.

~Full access to the WHOLE bed. No sharing covers. It's all mine.
~All my stuff belongs to me. I don't have to worry about tearing up someone else's stuff. (I'm great at breaking stuff!)
~A whole closet to myself. Self-explanatory.
K. That's all the pros I can come up with.

I was reminded the other day by a well-meaning friend that Sheri Dew is still single. That's great, but I'm no Sheri Dew. I hope to one day be somewhat close to her level, but I'm nowhere near now.

Well, for now I guess I'll just get my education and hope that one day I find the him I'm looking for.


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