
Showing posts from March, 2007


Well even after the recent conversations with close friends I still don't agree with their views. I know how they feel about me. I know how they perceive me. But, obviously, single men do not view me in the same manner as they. I have lowered my standards. I have shown interest in men that I would never have been interested in before. What I don't understand is if I'm so wonderful and so pretty, why does no man want me? Why are my friends the only ones telling me these things? Why do men who are single not want someone who is pretty and nice? I know my weight is an issue for some, but there has got to be something else. It has to be something about me. I don't know what it is. I wish I did. I would change it! But for now I have to sit and wonder. I will listen to the hollow talk of how much I'm loved, but until I get it from someone who doesn't just want to be friends it will continue to be hollow talk. I hate to burst my friends' bubbles, but th...

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!!!!!!! Don't forget to wear green!


If you don't know, I have an account on MySpace. Find me by looking up my e-mail, . I have a blog on there too. But to read it, you have to be my "friend." I have now become a MySpace addict. Until just a couple weeks ago I was very anti-MySpace. It's crazy!!! I check it everyday, a couple times a day. I look at MySpace more than I do my e-mail!!! It'll lose it's luster soon, I'm sure. But until then, I'm all about MySpace!

Today's thoughts

Well, one's taken. The other I haven't talked to in years. I miss him. I think of him all the time. What if I'd said how I feel? But I can't erase the time that I've lost and I guess I have to move on. Yet another I'm not sure about. Why is my heart such a difficult one? Why do I have to keep searching for those who don't even look my direction? But I, as does time, must move on and learn to deal with what is here and now. Thanks to Jennie and Amanda for your amazing counsel, listening to my whining and helping me to search. You are true friends! I love you both! Thanks to others as well. Mary, Brooke, Jon, Grant, Joshua, Susan and to the other friends who lend an ear when my heart is hurting. My friends and family are the best blessing in my life. I hold you all dear! Forever in your debt! A.

I just don't get it...

I don't understand. I try and it just doesn't happen. Why? Is it me? Is it him? I just don't understand. If I don't get some resolution soon I just might explode!!! My sad heart continues to wait...

Brooke's Scooby Doo Dissertation

Stolen right from Brooke's blog: So, how is Scooby Doo supposed to be talking, and why is it that everyone can understand him? And how do they solve the case if there are no clues? Don't they ever just stay in and watch movies instead of getting marooned on deserted islands, running into ghosts, and magically solving a mystery that the local cops can't figure out? Are the local cops so dumb that it takes a man wearing a neckerchief, a dumb blonde, a super smart (how come she isn't the one always figuring stuff out? Why is it always Fred doing the explaining? Has she not found the feminist movement yet, and told Fred to shut the heck up?) chic, a stoner, and a dog that can talk? And why isn't Scooby more popular if he's a talking dog? I've never seen a talking dog. A counting one, but never a talking one. Why does Shaggy never seem to gain a pound? If I ate that much, I wouldn't be able to walk, and I'd have to go on the Wife Swap, and make some other...


So you can now find me at MySpace by looking up my e-mail . I had to use my spam address for that. B and Steve, ya'll should get a MySpace. I was against it at first until the whole world had MySpace and I didn't. Hope everyone is having a great year so far! Smiles to you all! A.