Leave my people alone!!!
Ok. You all know that I don't usually get upset with people who make fun of Mormons. But with members of the Church and those who people associate with our Church being in the media, I have heard a lot more recently. I hear it on TV. I hear it from my friends. I can't control what the media says, but I can control who I'll be around. I just want to set a few things straight. First and foremost, Mormons ARE CHRISTIANS. In case you haven't noticed, the name Jesus Christ is in the title of our Church. We don't believe in some other Christ. There was only one. We read the Bible. King James Version. Same as most people. We do have additional gospels, but we do have the Bible as a standard works. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints have not had plural marraige since 1890 when the practice was banned by the Church due the fact that it is no longer necessary. I am sick and tired of people referring to "Mormon underwear." As ...