Leave my people alone!!!
Ok. You all know that I don't usually get upset with people who make fun of Mormons. But with members of the Church and those who people associate with our Church being in the media, I have heard a lot more recently. I hear it on TV. I hear it from my friends. I can't control what the media says, but I can control who I'll be around.
I just want to set a few things straight. First and foremost, Mormons ARE CHRISTIANS. In case you haven't noticed, the name Jesus Christ is in the title of our Church. We don't believe in some other Christ. There was only one. We read the Bible. King James Version. Same as most people. We do have additional gospels, but we do have the Bible as a standard works. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints have not had plural marraige since 1890 when the practice was banned by the Church due the fact that it is no longer necessary. I am sick and tired of people referring to "Mormon underwear." As much as I would like to answer any questions about such things, the Church considers many things sacred, including what goes on in Temples. This is one of the things I do not talk about. Please do not ask me to compromise my ethics. I may not be able to go to the Temple right now, due to some things I've done, but I refuse to divulge information that I have been asked not to. Also, just because a person is a member of the Church does not make them some weird freako. Not all of us are prudes. I watch R-rated movies. I curse sometimes. I do not get upset when someone curses around me. I LOVE Adult Swim. I have a crude sense of humor sometimes. Being a Mormon does not mean we HAVE to have giant families. I want 4 children. It has nothing to do with the Church. I've always wanted 4, well before I joined the Church. Also, waiting until marriage to have sex is a personal choice many people make. Don't judge us as freaks or prudes or anything else because we've made that choice. As many of my old friends know, that was a choice I made long before joining the Church as well.
Many famous people are members of the Church and you don't even know it. People think they can "spot" a Mormon. Did you know the following people are members:
Wilford Brimley (from the Quaker Oats and Liberty Medical Diabetes commericals)
Aaron Eckhardt (actor, recently seen in Thank You for Smoking, an excellent movie, by the way)
Gordon Jump (well known as the Maytag Repairman and as the boss on WKRP in Cincinatti)
Jared Hess (writer of Napoleon Dynamite and that stupid movie with Jack Black as the wrestler)
Jon Heder (actor in Napoleon Dynamite, Benchwarmers, and more)
If you want more go to:http://www.famousmormons.net/
Ok. I'm done with my rant. Friends, please, respect me and my Church. I may not go to Church, but I still am a Mormon. I love the Church and I truly do believe in the Church and it's teachings. Please keep that in mind the next time you decide to put me or other members down around me.
I just want to set a few things straight. First and foremost, Mormons ARE CHRISTIANS. In case you haven't noticed, the name Jesus Christ is in the title of our Church. We don't believe in some other Christ. There was only one. We read the Bible. King James Version. Same as most people. We do have additional gospels, but we do have the Bible as a standard works. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints have not had plural marraige since 1890 when the practice was banned by the Church due the fact that it is no longer necessary. I am sick and tired of people referring to "Mormon underwear." As much as I would like to answer any questions about such things, the Church considers many things sacred, including what goes on in Temples. This is one of the things I do not talk about. Please do not ask me to compromise my ethics. I may not be able to go to the Temple right now, due to some things I've done, but I refuse to divulge information that I have been asked not to. Also, just because a person is a member of the Church does not make them some weird freako. Not all of us are prudes. I watch R-rated movies. I curse sometimes. I do not get upset when someone curses around me. I LOVE Adult Swim. I have a crude sense of humor sometimes. Being a Mormon does not mean we HAVE to have giant families. I want 4 children. It has nothing to do with the Church. I've always wanted 4, well before I joined the Church. Also, waiting until marriage to have sex is a personal choice many people make. Don't judge us as freaks or prudes or anything else because we've made that choice. As many of my old friends know, that was a choice I made long before joining the Church as well.
Many famous people are members of the Church and you don't even know it. People think they can "spot" a Mormon. Did you know the following people are members:
Wilford Brimley (from the Quaker Oats and Liberty Medical Diabetes commericals)
Aaron Eckhardt (actor, recently seen in Thank You for Smoking, an excellent movie, by the way)
Gordon Jump (well known as the Maytag Repairman and as the boss on WKRP in Cincinatti)
Jared Hess (writer of Napoleon Dynamite and that stupid movie with Jack Black as the wrestler)
Jon Heder (actor in Napoleon Dynamite, Benchwarmers, and more)
If you want more go to:http://www.famousmormons.net/
Ok. I'm done with my rant. Friends, please, respect me and my Church. I may not go to Church, but I still am a Mormon. I love the Church and I truly do believe in the Church and it's teachings. Please keep that in mind the next time you decide to put me or other members down around me.