Rob Zombie and Michelle

This is Rob Zombie. He's a hottie. How can a chick look at this and not think "You are the hottest man to ever exist. Marry me!"? I can't answer that question. Neither can Michelle. She's one of the best friends I've ever had. I met her when I lived in Turtle Creek Apartments. Brooke had met her first, of course. She is the ultimate friendly girl, Brooke. Michelle had moved in next door shortly after we moved in. Brooke introduced herself and told her about me. She told me to do the same. The first time I met Michelle we kept each other company in her apartment for several hours, until 1 or 2 (I think). We hung out a few more times, discussing the hot guys in the other building and her uber quiet upstairs neighbor. We would go to the building across from ours and try to see if there was really a neighbor upstairs from her because the woman was so quiet. We laughed about her being ghost haunting the upstairs because no human could make so little...