Web browsers--IE, you stink!

I've had it with Internet Explorer. It keeps quitting when I'm on Facebook or surfing the internet. Henson on the Geek Squad suggested I download Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. I downloaded, but Chrome wouldn't install and Firefox wouldn't connect. Today Jon suggested I try Safari. It installs but won't connect either. I'd reached the point of tossing my laptop out the car window while driving down the interstate when Henson offered to connect to my computer from his house and try to fix it.


After spending his time on his day off troubleshooting my computer, Henson (the mack-daddy Geek Squad Agent) manages to fix my laptop remotely and I can now install Chrome and run Firefox and Safari. Apparently I had 3 different firewalls running and blocking them from running/installing. I now have an overabundance of browsers. After testing the new ones, I have found I'm partial to Chrome and Safari. Firefox is alright. IE cannot compare at all. As of right now, I'm crazy in love with Google Chrome. I understand now why so many BBY employees talk about it like there is nothing on Earth as extraordinary as Chrome (except maybe Spore or WOW).

Now, I'm happily surfing the internet without worrying about how long I can go before IE stops responding and I have to start all over again.

Henson--you're awesome!
Geek Squad--I love you all!
BBY--thanks for hiring me!


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