Missing Utah

Well, it looks like I will be in NC for at least 1 1/2 to 2 years. I found out that I can be out of school with a Bachelors degree in that time. I can't give that up, even for Utah. But if things are still the same then (meaning if I'm still single), I'll be on my way. It's just SOOOOOO beautiful out there. Here are some pictures of the trip. Thanks to Jon and his family for letting us stay with them in SLC. Thanks to Mary's parents for paying for the hotel at the Grand Canyon. Thanks to Katie & Ben for letting us stay with them in Colorado Springs. And for taking us places. Thanks to Steve and Heidi for having a blast with us at Lagoon! Miss ya'll!

The pictures are #1 - Garden of the Gods, CO Springs, CO (Mary, Me, Mackinsie, Katie-Mackinsie's mama, and Brooke; #2 Grand Canyon; #3 Somewhere in Utah (a few hours from SLC)


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