All that hotness, yet so young....

So, 2 new hotties at Wal*Marks. Mr. Personnel Man was in the store tonight & I chatted with him about the level of hotness of the new cashier. I asked his age. He's 18 or 19. Mr. Personnel Man couldn't remember for certain, but he was pretty sure of 19. That is legal, but I feel like a child molester looking at a 19-year-old thinking, "Hey, Baby!" I watched parts of the movie Sky High the other day. Saw a hottie in the movie, that's why I watched it. He's about 20. That's just wrong!!


I'm appalled by my lack of consideration of their age. Once upon a time (when I was about 20 or so), I wasn't interested unless he was at least 25 or 30. Now I'm happy if he's legal! Brooke, it's you're fault!!! Dang it! (I do realize that at 26, I'm not THAT much older, but I am older.)

There's a 21-year-old (well, about to be 21) young'un at work & I just adore him. I don't get it. Where are the awesome OLDER guys. I need a 30-something sweetheart. Anybody got one just laying around? Pass him my way if you do. Thanks!


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