Boxing Day

So, Steve, can you explain Boxing Day to me again. I was trying to explain it to my Dad and I couldn't. Thanks!


Brookie said…
It's where you put on boxing gloves and duke it out with all the people you got probs with, so that you can start the new year off with no anger! Very cathartic!
stevenot said…
I'm pretty sure its a way to celebrate your birthday!! correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that when you were born? no, its really just a big reason to shop more. I think it used to be ther day you boxe dup the presents you didn't want and took them to your slaves or something. is that believable enough to satisfy your hunger for information?
Angel said…
Yes, steve-o it is a way to celebrate my b-day! It's nice you remember! awww.....
Angel said…
I miss you, buddy!

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