Notes from my 8 year old niece.

I love how young children spell. It's so cute to see how they spell everything the way it sounds. It would be nice if spelling were that easy! Enjoy!

I was talking on the phone to Sarah Harriman when, out of nowhere, Lilly came up to me with note 1.

Note 1:

someday maby sometime when Grand-Jans (Gran Jan is what my niece and nephews call my mother) home you and me could spend the night you can sleep with me inmy room on the floor think about it. (there is a picture of a person in a bed on the bottom.)

(When I agreed, she was very excited, but told me that she would need time to get everything "prepared". Shortly after that conversation, I received note 2)

Note 2:

I alredy have evry thing prypard (the word "prypard" is underlined; there was no punctuation on this note)

She has a diary on the table with "dear diery" on the top. There are several notes stuck on the door to "her" room at my mom's house.

"Sorry I'm bessy" I'm assuming bessy is for bossy. She is always in trouble for being too bossy.

"No Trispasing" No trespassing, I'm sure.

"Lilly's Room Ruls" Self-explanatory.

"No Cris" Lilly must not like Cody's (my oldest nephew, her cousin) friend Chris who hangs out at my Mom's house whenever Cody is there.

"No won ecsept Lilly aloud" I guess this means get out of her room, or just don't come in.

I hope you enjoyed this little collection of Lilly-isms. Also on the pictures she drew of my sister and me, she gave us the following labels: Kim is a "Nise Lady" and I'm "Love Hart". I'm not sure what mine means. Her mom says it is for the heart shape.


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