
Apparently I am...

So...I was asked to stay until school starts. I said ok. Really, I need to just say no! Plus the boys were told they are the reason I'm quitting. This angers me because SHE and her HUSBAND are the reasons I'm quitting. He treats me like a theif and I won't put up with it. He's mean to the boys, he yells too much and he bosses her around like a dog. I just won't stand around and put up with it! I told Tracy and she said she and Rob would talk to the boys and make sure they knew the truth. It's such a line of bull to tell them that!! GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!

Anyway, I'll stay until the end of July, but that's it...I'm done!

Other than that, still no changes. I got a new phone because mine just gave up on trying to live. It just shut itself off whenever it felt like it, battery charged or not. I now have a LG EnV2. It's pretty much the sweetest phone ever. IT READS MY TEXT MESSAGES TO ME!!!!! I got a text last night and my phone proceeded to read me the text! Sweet!

Brooke is making shampoo, conditioner and lotion now. She will probably start making body wash too. They smell great!

I think that's all for this week.

Love you all!


Nick and Jen said…
That really frustrates me! I am SO sorry that you have to put up with all that. I thought I put up with a lot, but in reality you have put up with the worst! You are amazing for still being there and all that you have done for those boys! I feel so sorry for them and I hate to hear that their step-father or whatever you want to call him is being such a jerk! I hope they come out of this stronger! Thank goodness they at least have Rob and Tracy...and you! Call me any time you need to vent or just need to talk.

That is cool about Brooke's new hobby.

I hope things get better for you, you are such a dear friend and I miss you!

Love you, Jen

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