Utah trip '09, volume 1

So...I've been mapquesting all morning. I'm trying to find out the best ways to fit in all the places we want to see into the 2 weeks we'll have.

Casa Bonita, Lakewood, CO: A supercool restaurant, made famous in the "Casa Bonita" episode of South Park. I promised to bring Brian back a souvenir. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casa_Bonita 7-8 hours from SLC, according to Mapquest.

Colorado Springs, CO: A visit to Katie, Ben and Mackinsie. I may take this one alone, depending on if Brooke wants to go or not. This would be a great chance to get a two in one, being that Colorado Springs is only a little over an hour away from Lakewood.

Sacramento, CA: We don't have a specific place set yet for our visit to CA. Our friend Dustin will be living in Sacramento and he says it's a beautiful city and a great vacation spot. 9-10 hours from SLC.

Disneyland, Anaheim, CA: I'd love to go to Disneyland. It would be a great trip with Nick, Jen, Layla and Julie! Plus, it appears to be very close to the beach! This would definitely outrank Sacramento! But this idea is, of course, depending on finances of all involved! Approximately 10 hours from Salt Lake.

Roswell, NM: Do I really need to explain why? Approx 13 hours from SLC.

Socorro, NM: A visit to a high school friend of mine who just moved there. 2-3 hours from Roswell. 11-12 hours from SLC.

So, I think that sums up the places we want to visit, outside Salt Lake. More updates to come as we make our plans more concrete.


Anonymous said…
Why waste your time with MapQuest when the much better maps.google.com is available? Give it a try!
Nick and Jen said…
Your plans sound so fun! And thanks for all your sweet comments! You mean so much to us as well. You have always been a dear friend and one of the coolest neighbors! I talked to Nick about Disneyland and it would be fun, just don't know if it would be possible for us. But we will see! Can't wait to see you and Brooke!

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