
Showing posts from 2006

Boxing Day

So, Steve, can you explain Boxing Day to me again. I was trying to explain it to my Dad and I couldn't. Thanks!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!! Except Steve, 'cause you're Canadian. So, happy 23rd of November to you!!! ;) Love, Angel

You know those moments......

Do you ever hear or see something and the only response you have is "Huh." Not "Huh. That's interesting." Just plain, "Huh." Because it's not really interesting. It's not gross or creepy or weird or funny. It just is. I have those times too. Quite often, really.

This is interesting.....

I took this quiz. So what movie does it say I am? Your Results: " Secret Window " (This is a Stephen King movie! How appropriate!) You're cryptic, yet that's what makes you intriguing. You have a mixed personality and you're always up for adventure. This is a link to my results (there's a nice pic from the movie there!) :

All that hotness, yet so young....

So, 2 new hotties at Wal*Marks. Mr. Personnel Man was in the store tonight & I chatted with him about the level of hotness of the new cashier. I asked his age. He's 18 or 19. Mr. Personnel Man couldn't remember for certain, but he was pretty sure of 19. That is legal, but I feel like a child molester looking at a 19-year-old thinking, "Hey, Baby!" I watched parts of the movie Sky High the other day. Saw a hottie in the movie, that's why I watched it. He's about 20. That's just wrong!! WHAT IS MY PROBLEM????????? I'm appalled by my lack of consideration of their age. Once upon a time (when I was about 20 or so), I wasn't interested unless he was at least 25 or 30. Now I'm happy if he's legal! Brooke, it's you're fault!!! Dang it! (I do realize that at 26, I'm not THAT much older, but I am older.) There's a 21-year-old (well, about to be 21) young'un at work & I just adore him. I don't get it. Where are the aw...


When I get too much in my head, I start to doubt things. Because it's easy, my recent doubts have been about the Church. I was asked to give my testimony in Relief Society, but I couldn't. I allow the things around me to cast doubt on something that I KNOW is true. It's a struggle because I don't allow myself to get as involved as I should. Brooke has a mack-daddy foothold in the Gospel, but she puts the effort in to maintain that. I don't. I've allowed work, school, bills, stress to rule my life. That leaves no room for the Church. I'm trying to overcome that. I'm trying to read the Scriptures every day. Maybe one day I'll start attending YSA events and Institute. I try to remember all the MANY blessings I've received since joining the Church. It is those blessings and the knowledge that I know the Church is true (despite what my mind may think) that keep me going. I can't come close to naming everything I have to be grateful for. If it were...


Why is it that the guys I really, really like think I'm just a great friend????? Well, I have decided that a life of being single can't be all that bad. Pros: ~Full access to the WHOLE bed. No sharing covers. It's all mine. ~All my stuff belongs to me. I don't have to worry about tearing up someone else's stuff. (I'm great at breaking stuff!) ~A whole closet to myself. Self-explanatory. K. That's all the pros I can come up with. I was reminded the other day by a well-meaning friend that Sheri Dew is still single. That's great, but I'm no Sheri Dew. I hope to one day be somewhat close to her level, but I'm nowhere near now. Well, for now I guess I'll just get my education and hope that one day I find the him I'm looking for.
"All happiness, all success, all glorious achievement rest with the individual. He can make a heaven or a hell upon the earth. "—Ezra Taft Benson

Sometimes You Don't Have To Ask

Sunday was a bad day. I thought I wanted to be alone, but when my friend Darla came to me at Church, I realized I needed her to talk to. She had been at her ward, but wanted to leave. She felt she shouldn't miss Church completely, so she drove to my ward (about 30 min away from her ward, but only about 15 or 20 from her home). The problems I'm having she's been through already. She fights some of the same issues I do. She was exactly the person I needed to talk with at the time. Heavenly Father knew I was in need, and I didn't have to ask for help. He sent it anyway. Recently He's answered many needs of mine, without my asking. She suggested that I give the problems to Heavenly Father to handle. I decided that I would pray for just that. That same afternoon (again without me asking), he took away that huge burden from me. The issue is still there. I still have to deal with it, but the worry is gone. Last month, while visiting the temple, I had a question to be answe...

I Shouldn't Be Allowed To Drive

In one weekend my cell phone was turned off and I managed to back off a rock wall (don't ask). Contact your senators and petition that people with no depth perception or spacial perception be prohibited from driving. I could use a chauffeur. The world would be safer if people like me weren't allowed to TOUCH anything, especially a steering wheel and gas pedal!! Just a thought. THANKS TO BROOKE'S DAD!!!!!! You saved me the price of a tow truck. He and Connie are my life savers. They've gotten us out of so many messes I manage to get myself into (and sometimes messes I've gotten Brooke into). If it weren't for parents and grandparents (not just mine, my friend's parents as well) I would be somewhere covered in debt, eating out of a trash can, homeless, my car halfway off a rock wall with flat tires wearing a trash bag with flat hair. THANKS ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Missing Utah

Well, it looks like I will be in NC for at least 1 1/2 to 2 years. I found out that I can be out of school with a Bachelors degree in that time. I can't give that up, even for Utah. But if things are still the same then (meaning if I'm still single), I'll be on my way. It's just SOOOOOO beautiful out there. Here are some pictures of the trip. Thanks to Jon and his family for letting us stay with them in SLC. Thanks to Mary's parents for paying for the hotel at the Grand Canyon. Thanks to Katie & Ben for letting us stay with them in Colorado Springs. And for taking us places. Thanks to Steve and Heidi for having a blast with us at Lagoon! Miss ya'll! The pictures are #1 - Garden of the Gods, CO Springs, CO (Mary, Me, Mackinsie, Katie-Mackinsie's mama, and Brooke; #2 Grand Canyon; #3 Somewhere in Utah (a few hours from SLC)

For my missionaries

So a few years ago eHarmony refused me saying I could not be matched at that time. But two weeks ago it matched me and has sent me almost 30 matches. Now is it a coinky-dink that I've joined the Church since then and have changed quite a bit. No-I think not. So thanks to all the Mormon missionaries out there! You've made me whole!!! (and matchable by eHarmony standards) Special thanks to Steve-o, Patrick, Jesse, Jon, Dustin, Janessa and Nate for all the listening to my constant whining. And thanks to Elder Hollenbeck for baptizing me! Don't know where you are, but I hope that leg is better! I found out it's not that rare for a missionary to get hit by a car. Addition to this post: Because of a recent scalding e-mail from someone on eHarmony who saw my blog, I have the following comments about my blog. I am not communicating with 30 people. I received 30 matches. And for anyone else on there who reads this, until we are dating, we BOTH have the right to talk to other peo...

My turn!

Well, Steve-o and Brooke are doing it, so why not me! I'm Angela. I love Trey Parker. But he got married and left me alone to suffer in my lonliness. Thanks Trey. You suck!!!!!! Matt Stone, I'm gunnin' for you baby! If you can't have the man you want, go for his best friend. That's my motto now.