Rob Zombie and Michelle

This is Rob Zombie. He's a hottie. How can a chick look at this and not think "You are the hottest man to ever exist. Marry me!"? I can't answer that question.

Neither can Michelle. She's one of the best friends I've ever had. I met her when I lived in Turtle Creek Apartments. Brooke had met her first, of course. She is the ultimate friendly girl, Brooke. Michelle had moved in next door shortly after we moved in. Brooke introduced herself and told her about me. She told me to do the same. The first time I met Michelle we kept each other company in her apartment for several hours, until 1 or 2 (I think). We hung out a few more times, discussing the hot guys in the other building and her uber quiet upstairs neighbor. We would go to the building across from ours and try to see if there was really a neighbor upstairs from her because the woman was so quiet. We laughed about her being ghost haunting the upstairs because no human could make so little noise. Shortly after our first meeting our apartment burnt down. I was sleeping on the couch and my smoke alarm went off. I went outside, thinking someone was burning something, saw nothing and turned around to go back in. It was then that I saw the flames shooting out of the building. My memories of the morning are vague and dreamlike. I remember being at the top of the stairs, then I was back at the bottom of the stairs and was at her door banging and yelling her name. I remember her face, terrified, asking me to help with her dog and ferret. I took Cessna, the dog, while she grabbed Loki, the ferret. Later while we were watching the building burn I took Loki because she was allergic to him and was causing welts on her skin. This event was what finally solidified our friendship. We had a bond. Despite all that we had in common, this one event was the one thing that made our friendship strong. That was 2001. We're still friends, closer actually.

Now, I don't know why I went on that tangent, but I did.

Back to Rob Zombie. He's hot. That's all.


Nick and Jen said… have posted a lot on your blog! I almost gave up on you! :) Well, I caught up and you make me laugh! I am glad that you were able to get your computer fixed. We use Mozilla and like it. I knew your apt. burnt down but I didn't know all of that. Glad that you are happy with your makes all the difference! Do you miss the Anderson's? Love you and keep us posted on everything!


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